Webinar Description:
Does your PGx detection method have blind spots? Sample mischaracterization can lead to inaccurate results. CYP2D6 is one of the most important PGx genes, being responsisble for the metabolism and elimination of approximately 25% of clinically
used medications. Depending on ethnicity, up to 37% of individuals possess a non functional CYP2D6 hybrid allele. Common CYP2D6 genotyping and copy number detection methods cannot detect these alleles, resulting in pharmacogenetic profile
mischaracterization. This presentation will provide an overview of CYP2D6 hybrid alleles, share studies showing their prevalence across populations and discuss the genetic characteristics that make their detection difficult. A PGx expert will
offer recommendations for overcoming these challenges to achieve a comprehensive CYP2D6 profile and more accurate PGx results.

Dr. Houda Hachad
Pharm. D, Chief Scientific Officer
Translational Software
After receiving her Pharmacy Doctorate and Master of Research in Drug Metablism and Clinical Pharmacology from Henri Poincare University, Dr. Hachad joined the University of Washington, School of Pharmacy and co-developed two knowledge-based technologies
managed by the university’s Center for Commercialization. She was involved in creating a revenue-based model for a drug-drug interaction database used by the world’s largest pharmaceutical firms, academic and government institutions.
Dr. Hachad has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and evidence-based guidelines in the field of drug-drug interaction and pharmacogenetics.
In 2011, Dr. Hachad joined Translational Software, a technology company aimed at accelerating the adoption of personalized medicine by clinicians. As a co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, she is responsible of establishing the scientific
strategy for the company and creating a pharmacogenetic knowledge base for decision support. Dr. Hachad is an active member of pharmacogenomics consortia such as CPIC (https://cpicpgx.org/) and PharmVar (www.pharmvar.org) and is involved with
various working groups within the molecular genetics and clinical pharmacology communities aimed at standardizing pharmacogenomic testing modalities in order to facilitate their adoption by clinicians.

Dr. Darryl Irwin, PhD
Senior Director, Scientific Affairs
Agena Bioscience
Dr. Darryl Irwin was awarded his undergraduate degree from the Queensland University of Technology and PhD from the University of Queensland. Darryl’s PhD focused on developing techniques for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis by multiplexed
genotyping of single fetal cells from the cervix. Darryl has previously worked at Agen Biomedical (3 years) developing an Elisa based diagnostic test for D-Dimer, a blood clot breakdown product. Also, Darryl spent 2 years in a clinical genetics
laboratory at the Mater Mothers Hospital as well as 3 years as the Genotyping Business Unit Manager at the Australian Genome Research Facility where he managed the MassARRAY, Affymetrix and microsatellite genotyping teams. Darryl is currently
Senior Director – Scientific Affairs for Agena Bioscience where he manages the global custom assay development and strategic collaborations initiatives. Darryl has a specific interest and plays a key role in developing mature, robust
biomarker panels on the MassArray system for disease predisposition, diagnosis and prognostic research studies.
Cost: No Cost!