October 13, 2020
Viable Cell Density and Viability in High Throughput cell culture applications

Webinar Description:

This webinar describes how the new NORMA technology for viable cell density and viability measurement compares with the traditionnal trypan blue exclusion method for monitoring of cell culture in bioreactor at GSK. We present differents case studies including culture media conditions with a focus on data obtained in real time form NORMA cell counter that is integrated onto an Ambr15 microbioreactor. A short introduction of the instruments and physical behind this new technology is provided.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn why GSK is interested in the NORMA technology for VCD and viability
  • Learn the adavantages of NORMA technology in High-througput cell culture monitoring monitoring
  • Learn how the NORMA 4S is seamlessly integrated to into an Ambr15 microbioreactor
  • Learn why IPRASENSE is the future method for VCD from early cell line development to late PD and GMP manufacturing


Geoffrey Esteban, M.Sc.Eng
CEO, Head of Marketing

Geoffrey Esteban is graduated from a Biotech Science Engineering School. After 2 years in the USA working in the food industry, Geoffrey spend 12 years with FOGALE nanotech working from early R&D engineer to marketing and sales director of the well known bioreactor capacitance probe for online biomass monitoring. In 2013 Geoffrey founded IPRASENSE for developping, manufacturing and selling innovative cell culture monitoring instruments such as cell count and viability analyzers.

Melissa Hill, PhD
Investigator, Biopharmaceutical Process Development

GMelissa Hill earned B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Cell/Molecular Biology from the University of Minnesota Duluth and her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Oklahoma. She joined GSK in 2018 working on cell culture, technology, and PAT in the upstream biopharmaceutical process development group.