July 28, 2020
9 am to 10:30 am EDT
Webinar Description:
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts a lot of reasonability on companies and how to handle people’s data. Life Science companies often includes in their activities the collection of special categories of personal data, also referred
to as sensitive data. Adherence to data protection principles and the fulfilment of compliance criteria is key in this industry. Having a high risk in the processing of personal data leads to the performance of mandatory operations or procedures.
Learning Objectives:
- Facilitate an internal start-up and start to launch an effective compliance and security response program across the organization
- Examine the challenges posed by the GDPR and the benefits of proactively demonstrating that the organization is compliant with the new requirements

Erika Moncada BSc
Data Protection Manager
Erika is a DPO Certified from Maastricht University and BSI Training Academy. Privacy Professional skilled in Data Privacy, Personal Data Protection, Intercultural Relations and Clinical Research. Her credo is that Data Privacy compliance is an enhancing
and quality factor if taken deeply into account at the early stage of projects.