Webinar Description:
When it comes to discovering the next generation of drugs for cancer and other diseases with unmet medical needs, time and quality highly matters. For small molecules entities, it all starts from the quality and validation of the hit series. With
the DRIVE™ Program, Oncodesign has been gathering the expertise and capabilities of key players in the field of early drug discovery to address these challenges. This webinar highlights the interplay of discipline and expertise from DNA
encoded libraries to fragments screening along with Hit validation using Biophysics (NanoDSF, MST, SPR, ITC), Structural Biology (NMR, Cryo-EM and X-Ray crystallography) and artificial intelligence approaches. This represents a comprehensive way
to access specialized technologies and to resort to expert scientist resources with a broad and long-standing knowledge of drug discovery to deliver high quality hits in a short time frame.
Learning Objectives:
- Introduction to an integrated solution provider from hits finding to IND filling
- Advantages of Drug discovery integrated provider vs silos approach
- Special focus on Hits identification and validation across DNA encoded libraries, Artificial Intelligence, Biophsysics and Biostructures

Fabrice Viviani, Ph.D
Senior Executive VP, Head of Oncodesign Service Business Unit, Oncodesign and director of at the François Hyafil research center
Fabrice Viviani holds a PhD in organic chemistry and an MA in biology from Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (UPMC). He started his career as a biologist and was responsible for research project and clinical teams in infectiology, before turning his
attention to oncology research at Aventis’ oncology therapy department. He was then appointed Sanofi-Aventis’ Vice President for R&D, having managed several departments (medicinal chemistry and biology for exploratory research
and internal medicine, early-to-candidate DPU). At GSK he took charge of the discovery biology group at the François Hyafil research center. To date, he has been involved in discovering and developing over 20 preclinical and clinical drug
candidates. Since January 2020, Fabrice is overseeing and leading all the services activities of Oncodesign Service Business unit.

Christophe Parsy, Ph.D
MBA, Head of Medicinal Chemistry, Oncodesign Service Business Unit and Senior Leader
Integrated Drug Discovery Services
Christophe has acquired a broad knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry by working in various R&D environments from Research Services Provider to Biotech and large Pharma. Over the past 20 years, he has lead major drug discovery projects from
Hit to IND in Anti-infective (HIV, HCV) and Oncology. These resulted in clinical candidates IDX320, Samatasvir and Uprifosbuvir. He has a proven ability to lead and deliver clinical candidates in a cross-functional and multi-cultural environment
with a track record of delivering high quality candidate in a fast-paced environment. Proactive leadership with a high degree of priority setting, he recently completed is training by obtaining an Executive MBA with specialization in Lean 6 Sigma,
Strategy and Leadership. Christophe is author and co-inventor of 30 + patents and peer review publications.

Barry A. Morgan, PH.D
Barry Morgan has broad experience in drug discovery and development. He is Professor and Director of Discovery in the Center for Drug Discovery at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas, and has 40 years of experience in drug discovery and development
in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industries in the United Kingdom, France and the USA. He was Vice President, Molecular Discovery, and Site Head at GSK, Boston 2007-2012. He was previously Senior Vice President for Chemistry and Discovery
Sciences at Praecis Pharmaceuticals Inc., where he was a primary inventor of DNA Encoded Library Technology. PRAECIS was acquired by GSK in February 2007. inventor of DNA Encoded Library Technology. PRAECIS was acquired by GSK in February 2007.

Yann Gaston-Mathe
Founder and CEO
Yann is a seasoned R&D professional, strategy consultant and biotech entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in pharma (Servier, Ipsen), molecular diagnostics (IntegraGen) and strategy consulting (Capgemini Consulting, BearingPoint, Cepton).
He is also a skilled data scientist with several patents and publications in the field of biostatistics and biomarkers discovery and validation. Yann is Co-founder and CEO of Iktos, a leading chemical research Artificial Intelligence company
focusing on medicinal chemistry and new drug design. Iktos is developing innovative AI technology based on deep generative models, which enables to design compounds that are optimized in silico to meet all the success criteria of a small molecule
drug discovery project.

Thomas Schubert, Ph.D
2bind GmbH
Dr. Thomas Schubert received his PhD in Biochemistry in the area of Epigenetics from the University of Regensburg; Germany. In 2012, Thomas joined 2bind and became CEO in 2013. Dr. Schubert holds a degree in economy/commerce (Betriebswirt IWW).

Laura Sailor
Icaria Life Sciences
Icaria cares! Laura Sailor, a serial entrepreneur, builds teams to innovate and deepen expertise in structure based drug design. Icaria’s “the structure people” have deep institutional knowledge of “the undruggable”protein
targets and most comprehensive suite of Instrumentation for protein production, structural biology, biophysics To support early stage hit- finding programs.